Vinyl – OFF the Charts and ON Display with Vinyl Sign Holders, Poster Holders, and Brochure Pockets!

Vinyl – OFF the Charts and ON Display with Vinyl Sign Holders, Poster Holders, and Brochure Pockets!

A few months ago, the Huffington Post released a “World Giving Index” – results from a study of 153 countries by the Charity Aid Foundation. The study measured just how giving these countries are based on three criteria: volunteerism, the helping of strangers, and money donations. According to the study’s results, America catapulted from fifth in 2010 to first in 2011 as the world’s most generous country with about $212 billion in charitable contributions. The U.S. was followed by Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Netherlands, and Canada.

Americans have always had a giving nature and not just during the Holiday Season or when a natural disaster brings out America’s best – apparent during the recovery efforts after Hurricane Sandy slammed the northeast. It’s proven time and again all throughout the year as a wide spectrum of worthwhile charitable organizations tirelessly help those in need.

It’s also true that many charities get by on a shoestring-and-a-prayer kind of budget.  With slim margins available for a number of operational necessities, establishing good vendor partnerships with flexible suppliers can be crucial. Display holder options are a prime example. When called upon for a cost-effective sign holder that’s unbreakable and gets the message across yet is also inexpensive and costs little to ship, we were ready to answer the call. The solution?  Vinyl…vinyl sign holders, vinyl poster holders, and vinyl brochure holder pockets, to name a few.

Like some of our heavier duty acrylic display stands, Clear Slant Back Rigid Vinyl Sign Holders are highly functional in countertop advertising and the foldable easel makes them easier to store, move, and ship. They’re also easily mounted to prime wall space.  Three sides are enclosed to protect signs, promotional features, and slicks with its loadable opening at the top “short side.”  Unbreakable vinyl sign holders in this style come 3” x 4”, 4” x 6”, 5” x 7”, and 8-1/2” x 11” and ship in quantities at a low cost…they’re very lightweight.

Economy Vinyl Poster Holders also deliver protective qualities in clear vinyl for posters, signs, and promos. We’ve geared this durable poster holder to accommodate a large range of sizes –some 15 standard sizes to be exact.  4” x 6” is the smaller end but


larger versions for high visibility items 30” x 40” and even 43” x 32” are available.

Charities aren’t the only organizations who find versatile, low-cost vinyl ideal in their operations. In many display applications, clear vinyl provides optimum visual acuity in settings where harder acrylic simply may not be the most practical option. Those slant back vinyl sign holders are in high demand by a number of our regular customers, from Goodwill to See’s Candies, the legendary California based confectioners who have been making sweets for over 90 years!

Added appeal comes with additional features…like the dimension Vinyl Brochure Holder Pockets provide. They peel and stick to almost any surface – great and functional attachments to sign holders, poster holders, and of course, brochure holders themselves. They ship flat at bargain rates and fold easily upon arrival. We also have a PRE-Folded Vinyl Brochure Holder Pocket, ready for use straight out of the box in five standard sizes. Like their unfolded counterparts, this holder pocket simply peels and sticks to almost any surface. Quantity shipments of as many as 252 pre-folded brochure holder pockets in the smallest 3-1/2” x 1-1/2” size are further proof of their cost-effective value.

We know operational costs and tight budgets come into play a lot this time of year. But that doesn’t mean you have to rein in the good word your organization stands for! The holiday season is especially important to those we’ve described here, including everyone from our great friends at Goodwill to the amazing candy makers at See’s Candies, and helping them broaden their appeal is our pleasure. When you need an alternative display that still looks great but costs a little less, think VINYL!  It’s not just for record players but can still inspire everyone in sight like every chart-topper!