The Tiered Shape of things to come…from Cubicle Name Plate Holders to new Office Stadium Seating

The Tiered Shape of things to come…from Cubicle Name Plate Holders to new Office Stadium Seating

Heard about the new trend in office design? You probably didn’t think that it involves stadium seating, did you?

That’s exactly what is happening at a handful of tech companies, starting about five years ago in Silicon Valley. An act of defiance? Maybe. School bleachers were originally considered a sort of “counter corporate” snub to traditional cubicle layouts and “stiff boardrooms.” The use of physical space in high tech work campuses has also become a recruitment tool and it seems the nostalgic aspect of bleacher seating has a hook.

As the trend builds steam, so have some imaginative variations in stadium seating. The Malwarebytes office had the foresight to open a “secret” speakeasy-like cantina in stylish fashion BENEATH their stadium seating. California’s Workday HQ got an interesting wrinkle in their design by Form4 Architecture: a huge dry erase coloring book with fish on the wall, encouraging passersby to stop and draw.