The Clear Acrylic Double-Sided Sign Display with Oval Base: Classy, Beautiful, Symbolic, & Historic!
What do you think of when you hear the word oval? The Oval Office? Oval Track Racing? Oval engagement rings or the Jennifer Aniston oval face haircut? There seems to be something symbolic about the oval shape, and in most instances, it exemplifies beauty.
This fact hasn’t been lost in the latest Style CRB design of Plastic Products Mfg’s new Sign Holder with an Oval Base. It’s the latest in point-of-purchase (POP) Sign Displays with the added appeal of a stylish upscale look!
The 8.5” x 11” Clear Acrylic Double-Sided Sign Holder delivers double the display value with viewability from either side. Signs, graphics, and promotions are easy to load and stay well-protected by premium .100” acrylic thickness. That same toughness makes Style CRB a worthy investment for the long run and repeated usage.
What’s exceptional about this unique Sign Display is the blend of the oval shaped-base with a traditional Sign Holder look. The combination in geometry helps grab attention, drawing foot traffic to those all-important sales and related information.
The Oval Base offers more than just good looks, however. It plays a vital supporting role in the overall presentation, providing a solid foundation for the Sign Holder itself. Premium thickness acrylic stands up to heavy demands and takes hard knocks without losing any of its aesthetic appeal. Plus, custom sizes are also available by request.
By the way, did you know that the White House’s original Oval Office wasn’t created until 1909? It was a time of White House renovations like those taking place now. At that time however, the new Oval Office was thought to symbolize a “modern day” President William Howard Taft. It featured silk velvet curtains, a checkerboard floor made of Filipino mahajua wood, and chairs covered with caribou hide tacked with brass studs. Taft chose green as the first Oval Office color.
Over the years, the Oval Office sealed its place as a sentimental favorite among Americans. It’s where President Reagan broadcast his speech following the Challenger explosion. It’s also where the iconic photo was taken of President Kennedy with son John John peeking from under the Resolute Desk. And then there’s this meeting…no introductions necessary.
Here’s another interesting fact about the Oval Office and White House renovations. The original Oval Office was gutted by fire just 20 years after it opened! It was part of a West Wing fire in 1929, though the original design was used in the rebuilding under the Hoover administration. FDR moved the Oval Office to an entirely different part of the West Wing and since 1934, it has gone largely untouched. Results of the latest White Hose restoration have yet to be seen, obviously.
That said, you can put the power of the oval to work in your next successful POP display today. Just remember the classy look of Style CRB Double-Sided Sign Holders with an Oval Base, a superior design in clear acrylic.