New Name Plate Holders for New Interns in National Internship Awareness Month
The undervalued, underappreciated intern…that eager, ambitious “go-fer,” stuck doing the grunt work for little or, quite often, no pay. Except for the compensation part, there are many misperceptions and myths about internships – something National Internship Awareness Month hopes to dispel throughout the month of April.
According to a U.S. Department of Labor survey, 92% of interviewed employers hosted internship programs, adding that two out of three interns received full-time offers. That includes lucrative fields in technology, finance, law, politics, government, health care, and human services.
It’s that entry through opportunity’s front door that makes internships so advantageous, especially for those just getting into the work world with little or no experience. Those behind National Internship Awareness Month claim that internships are key for job seekers breaking into the workforce as a way to “gain meaningful experience.”
Real-world professional experience is a huge benefit for interns. It’s a hands-on way to strengthen “soft skills” critical to future success, like teamwork, communication, and problem solving.
Are interns a part of your business or firm? Now’s a fine time to recognize the hard work and value of each, something with a personal touch that reflects their individuality. A Desk Nameplate Holder with Borders is a nice idea, a dynamic, professional frame for custom inserts announcing the “New Intern” by name.
Classic Single-Sided…Silver or Black Borders…a slanted acrylic face or style that stands upright: these are just a few options that will make interns feel welcome. And that’s just in the Desktop Name Plate Holder selection. Cubicle and Wall-Mount Nameplates are in-demand, too.
The most coveted internships in America? Business Insider confirms what will surprise few. Number 3 is Facebook, second is Apple, and Google comes in first. Be sure to thank your interns!