New Computer Mount Name Plate Holders for National Clean Out Your Computer Day
If you think of computer cleaning in terms of air dusting keyboards and wiping down monitors, there are a few elements you might not be thinking about. National Clean Out Your Computer Day serves as a reminder about more comprehensive computer cleaning in ways that can help your machine run more efficiently all year long.
Always observed on the second Monday of February, this National Day is designated for internal cleaning and organizing of files and folders while deleting junk files, duplicates, old/obsolete files, and unused programs. Those older files and programs can clog up computer memory, slow down PCs, and create potential problems when downloading data you DO need.
The computer security experts at Norton have also offered a check list of cleaning essentials for National Clean Out Your Computer Day. Norton’s two-prong approach comprehensively covers hardware and how to carefully clean the exterior. The second area moves from the computer’s “body” to its “mind,” i.e. backing up data, updating or removing software, and making sure antivirus software is adequately protecting against malware.
While giving your computer a day of much-needed and well-deserved (hopefully) attention and TLC, here’s something new to add: Style VNPT Computer Mount Name Plate Holders from Plastic Products Mfg. The clear rigid vinyl is practically indestructible and ideal for re-use. It attaches easily to a variety of monitor sizes, making Computer Mount Name Plate Holders especially desirable in open office concepts, call centers, and school and business campuses.
Designed primarily to showcase inserts 6” wide x 2” high, this new introduction also comes with a bonus. Quality heavy-gauge 67 lb white perforated card stock and user-friendly templates are included FREE, giving end users the capability to custom print individual name plates. From there, each Computer Mount Name Plate Holder handles identification durably and with universal appeal.
By the way, National Clean Out Your Computer Day is not a recent development in light of the latest discussions about hacking and privacy. It actually began in 2000…not long after the Y2K scare.