Looks Great, Costs Less: the True Value of Wood, Wire, and Economy Displays
It’s no secret that we really like Acrylic. But we also know there are places where something a little different might work better with the décor…or the budget. You may not know about wire displays or wooden displays. The real question is: what works best for you, and why? Then there’s that timely question: how much does it cost? Let’s try to sort it all out…
No doubt, chrome has been an eye catcher for decades. The shine grabs the human eye like a fish to a hook. When fishing for enhanced revenue, sometimes Chrome Counter Top Wire Brochure Racks are just the ticket. Wire design is practically an art form in itself, which only adds to the draw. One, two, or three tiers in sizes from four inches to eight and a half, the curvature in Wire Displays definitely adds to the aesthetic appeal. That equals real value and shows off magazines and promotional material with a bright, modern look. Plus, Wire Racks can really take a beating. Over the course of time, they stand up to practically anything…like the Energizer Rabbit of non-acrylic brochure displays.
Of course, plastic invokes a special passion in our R&D Department, and we’ve developed a handful of plastic displays that are economical and durable at the same time. While they may not have a lot of frills, tiers, and pockets, models the Tri-Flat are still fully functional brochure holders. 4-1/8” wide, a thinner acrylic design gives Tri-Flat displays an “Econo-Boost!” Some models ship flat, and that translates to added savings in the form of lower shipping costs. They assemble easily enough, too. ThinTri-Flat Pre-Folded Brochure Holders don’t ship flat but the thin design weighs less so shipping charges with this particular display are also minimal. Sleek, affordable Economy Brochure Holders still look and work great on counter tops, and they hold up well over time. For those with tight budgets, Economy Brochure Holders present a range of dynamic new possibilities.
Many customers have also asked about Wooden Brochure Holders, and we listened. Soon we’ll unveil an attractive line of quality light oak, dark red mahogany, and medium oak brochure holders…joining form, function, and the rustic attraction of wood to decors where Wire and/or Plastic Displays may just not be quite right. Wood Brochure Displays are also incredibly resilient. Avoid flames and hatchets, and they’ll last a good long time! Like Wire Displays and lower cost Economy Displays, new Wooden Brochure Holders should also benefit the budget-minded. Keep an eye out for the grand unveiling at Plastic Products Mfg. After all, when it comes to displaying your print material, your options are only getting better!
Visit http://www.plasticproductsmfg.com for additional information