Literature Holders and Pamphlet Holders make promotions pop!

Literature Holders and Pamphlet Holders make promotions pop!

      Remember that particular Literature teacher from school, challenging you to find the hidden meaning of words?  While eager and maybe not-so-eager students continue learning the world of Literature, the term itself has a much broader definition beyond the school rooms…especially in the even larger classroom of business and commerce.  The one common element is that not everyone is a big reader.  That is, until those words are presented in the most appealing way possible!

  No doubt, you and your staff have invested a great deal of time, sweat, and dollars into your print advertising.  And it’s not just the words that do the trick.  Realtors display pictures of prime properties in glossy slicks, geared to hypnotize a potential buyer.  Is that perfectly grilled steak and inviting margarita jumping from its display at your favorite restaurant?  Is that long overdue vacation calling you because of the inviting scene in the pamphlet holder before you?

      That investment in your literature is all well and good, but without the right literature holder or pamphlet display, even the best words and most exciting pictures can end up forgotten or even worse, never seen in the first place!

Let’s take a financial institution wanting to spread the word about lower home loan rates.  Attractive, esthetically appealing literature holders made of superior acrylic are ideal for getting the word out, holding a healthy amount of promotional materials.  Point of purchase sales are also on the rise thanks to counter top pamphlet holders who handle larger inserts.  Newspapers and magazines sell like hotcakes when easily seen in wider custom displays and pamphlet holders, 9-1/2” or even 12-1/2” wide.

Smaller magazines, flyers, exclusive brochures…the many sizes and styles of literature holders will put the perfect spotlight on these items and draw customers to grab them.  Holders for other items like CDs and mailers get a lift from superbly crafted acrylic, and display holders can go beyond the counter top for attachment to cabinets, doors, and walls.  Meeting the eye and stirring customers to action – with a full array of literature holders and pamphlet holders to complement your promotional material, it’s a win-win.  Class dismissed!

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