How Brochure Racks, Magazine Holders, and Literature Racks can soup up your sales!

How Brochure Racks, Magazine Holders, and Literature Racks can soup up your sales!

      Looking for something good to read?  Even better, do you have something so good to read that you just have to share it with the world?  When your counters are adorned with just the right literature racks, magazine holders, and brochure racks, all your very best reading material is perfectly displayed…and all eyes are on you.  And at a trade show or in a kiosk where foot traffic is heavy, that can mean a lot of eyes and a lot of great exposure.  At the counter where the crucial point-of-sale happens, a proper literature display can help add to that revenue – if not right then and there, at least you’ve increased your chances at future sales while creating return customers at the same time.

    The question is: what kind of literature rack or plastic brochure rack is best for your operation?  It’s not only important to take stock of what your print advertising includes now, but what you’re planning for the future as well.  A little simple math is all it takes.  Is your current brochure selection focusing on eight top campaigns?  A 6 Pocket Plastic Literature Rack in two tiers might very well be your best option for maximum impact with pamphlets. Rolling out four new additional brochures in six months?  Consider a 12 Pocket Plastic Brochure Rack – just the ticket to grab your customers’ attention.  One outstanding display is three pockets wide and four pockets high…and just one of many classic acrylic displays that ideally spotlight your 12 top promotions.

   Whether showing the latest medical products, a magical honeymoon cruise, or a variety of magazines, clarity and width can help catch the eye and draw attention.  Industry specific literature or material for general consumption in a magazine format become an instant draw when shown in a Two Tier or Three Tier Acrylic Magazine Holder, and these are just a couple of examples.  

     Something else to consider relies on the same logic major grocery store chains use when placing products on shelves: make those items you want to sell most appear at eye level.  Did you know that grocery stores place lower selling items on the lowest and highest shelves while putting favorite best sellers right at standing eye level?  This same psychology has its place in the way brochure, magazine, and literature holders are laid out, and this is important because you may want to consider wall mountable displays if counter areas are less strategic points for viewing.            

     No matter where you place them, acrylic displays are a pure necessity and with so many different pocket styles and sizes available, there are multiple ways to get you noticed.  And remember, language is no barrier either! 

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