Glass Green Name Plates, Patterns, Colors, and Lights in Retail
A lot of psychology goes into retail layouts. How a store is planned, where and how products are placed, the use of color, lighting, and even subliminal hints all have a place…and the more attention to detail on the front end pays dividends on the back.
If you operate a retail environment, consider what greets your customers as they walk through your doors. According to a recent www.furnituretoday.com post, Art Van Furniture’s newest store in Canton, Michigan took a decidedly more colorful approach in design. Art Van used changing color values of the same light-to-darker gray palette in areas like wall and trim color, then switched to a terra cotta color to “pull” consumers deeper.
Visual Director Chris Meier said “Color can define spaces and pull your guest through the store. We want our guests to look ahead and be drawn to the next area of the store.”
You can upgrade your visual approach in other ways and guide potential customers with unique applications of color and patterns. One approach involves NPA2 GG Clear Executive Glass Green Name Plateswith metal standoffs, creating a classy, upscale look that accents high-end décor nicely.
Turn plain name plate inserts into attractive displays, including directional signage. Unique, distinctive patterns are now available to sharpen focus from busy foot traffic. You can elevate displays elegantly with mixed patterns in an acrylic showcase, like NPBR Clear Name Plate Holders as well as the Glass Green Executive Series. Help point the way in a style that captures and pleases the eye.
Did you notice the Art Van approach to color did not mention bold, primary colors like red, yellow, green, and blue? Martin Roberts of Martin Roberts Design says the belief that color sells merchandise simply isn’t true anymore. “It’s about soft variations. If you have a red sofa, it’s usually the last thing to sell.” He added “retailers are very careful not to put on their floor things that are too strident because that limits the amount of people who will buy it.”