Executive Name Plate Holders for National Boss’s Day, Oct 16

Executive Name Plate Holders for National Boss’s Day, Oct 16

Many may not sympathize, but the truth is that bosses are people too. Sure, some are better than others and, chances are, you’ve had your share of bad ones. If you’re not a boss yourself, hopefully you have one of the good ones…a fair, smart, objective, hard-working leader who sets a good example.

That’s the kind of person who serves as inspiration for National Boss’s Day, October 16th. Often unheralded, underappreciated, and even the butt of jokes, this one day every year is designated as a time of thanks.

The term “boss” entered the English vernacular in 1640, according to the holiday’s background info, when it was used as a reference to a ship’s captain. Remember American Graffiti and Happy Days? If so, you likely recall that “boss” was also 1950’s slang for something cool or great. Turns out that “boss” was also commonly used with the same intent…only decades earlier in the 1880s.

Style NPA2 Executive Series Name Plate Holders with Silver Posts make a truly dignified expression of appreciation. Classy and professional, these Desk Name Plates deliver exceptional visual appeal any boss will love, premium thickness acrylic showcasing his or her name and title with panache! The stainless-steel standoffs provide both structural support and a complementary aesthetic.

Really love your boss? Consider Clear Glass Green Name Plate Holders in the NPA2 Executive Series. Glass Green accentuates the look elegantly…an upper-scale Name Plate Holder for the number one executive in the office – the Boss!  

One more Boss’s Day idea? For the stressed Boss with a sense of humor, use a little imagination and create a Mini-Zen Garden out of Altoids’ tins! Happy Boss’s Day!