Cubicle Sign Holders to Keep You on Track for March’s National Nutrition Month
Did you make a New Years’ resolution to be healthy? Now that we’re three months in, how’re you doing? According to industry stats, 12% of gym membership sign-ups happen in January…then fall back 10% in February. It happens. Foursquare data even shows February 9 as the day many folks “fall off the wagon.”
Luckily, March is National Nutrition Month – and a valuable reminder to get back and/or stay on track!
What you and those you inspire need are highly visible reminders, especially during work hours. Our Cubicle Sign Holder gives National Nutrition Month a prominent spotlight in an appealing display. You can’t miss ‘em. That’s why Cubicle Sign Holders provide such an ideal way to keep track of health goals in your cubicle office space.
These Acrylic Cubicle Sign Frames and Sign Holders fit perfectly on top of partition walls. They are easy to hang and inserts slide into the single-sided display with ease. So once National Nutrition Month is over, you can make a simple transition to other upcoming calendar events, promotions, and announcements. Premium thickness acrylic is tough, yet clear as glass.
Here’s what you’re likely to see in your Cubicle Sign Holder as far as weekly key messaging for National Nutrition Month.
WEEK 1: Eat a variety of nutritious foods, learn how to read nutrition facts on labels, incorporate your favorite cultural foods and traditions.
WEEK 2: See or find a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN).
WEEK 3: Plan meals and snacks choosing healthy recipes, make healthful choices when away from home.
WEEK 4: Create tasty foods at home, learn new cooking and meal preparation skills.
WEEK 5: Put these lessons all together in daily practice!
And don’t forget to check the list…prominently displayed in your Acrylic Cubicle Sign Frame or Sign Holder!