Cubicle Sign Holders and Poster Holders for June’s National Safety Month
June is National Safety Month, observed annually by the National Safety Council and thousands of organizations nationwide. In addition to the general themes of saving lives and preventing injuries, the focus this year also includes recognition of the opioid epidemic and ways to reduce its ripple effect in areas like auto crashes and workplace accidents. The NSC hopes to engage workers, families, and communities with ideas as well as downloadable materials.
Another goal of National Safety Month is to make an activity of identifying hazards where you work. Key to this effort, forward-thinking office managers are busy assessing safety signage, fire exit plans, and OSHA safety requirements. To that end, visibility makes all the difference…and when you’re talking about safety, that’s a serious consideration.
High-visibility guidance in case of medical emergency, tornado, severe weather, fire, hazardous spill, and, increasingly, active shooter, can mean the difference between life and death. Making directions clear is not just common sense, it’s also the law.
That’s where the right display is also vital to the June campaign and, most importantly, year-round safety. The Style WF Wall Mount Poster Holder is an exceptional option. Crystal clear, premium thickness acrylic delivers sharp visibility and easy reading for the most essential signage and literature. Safety Signs, Fire Exit Plans, Emergency Signs, OSHA Workplace Safety Posters…these are just a few.
Style CSHL Cubicle Sign Holders/Sign Frames also capture attention at eye level. Cubicle Sign Holders take excellent advantage of valuable space with a secure fit atop partition walls. They’re easy to hang and make an ideal display for Emergency Exit plans. Both styles can also serve as a showcase for directional signage.
From crab fishing to construction, some workplaces are just inherently dangerous. But ever-increasing attention to safety does work. In 1970, there were 38 worker deaths a day in America. In 2017, that number dropped to 14.