Acrylic Name Plate Holders vs Metal & Aluminum in Cost Savings and Benefits
Weighing the benefits of Acrylic Name Plate Holders against their counterparts in aluminum or another metal? While both deliver their own style and visual appeal, there are some distinct differences to debate in the cost/benefit analysis.
First, the bottom line. From the standpoint of sheer material costs, metal is more expensive, hands-down. The composition of clear acrylic can be manufactured for significantly less money…hence, a lower price tag. Then there’s the added cost of the name plates themselves where metal is concerned.
Brushed, anodized, and powder coated aluminum Name Plate Holders require more money for individual displays with printing and engraving costs. Many styles of Acrylic Name Plate Holders for desk, wall, and cubicle displays come with free card stock for convenient, eye-catching DIY Name Plates.
One area where metal has traditionally held an edge is also changing. Flexibility in colors has long been a strong suit for metal. New looks in acrylic are starting to tip the scale the other way, however. Acrylic Name Plate Holders now come with colored border options in silver, black, white, and bronze. Different multi-textured patterns are also making an impact with acrylic in modern office décor and functionality.
Both metal and plastic get high marks for longevity and durability. Both can perform long tours of duty without showing signs of wear, providing a strong return on investment. Premium thickness acrylic with polished edges can especially stand the test of time without yellowing or fading.
And that brings us back to cost. No matter which material you prefer, acrylic is the clear winner when it comes to dollars and cents. It costs less than aluminum and metal with the added bonus of saving time and printing costs with free card stock for personalized inserts. And the new acrylic name plate holder styles with flashes of color? Magnificent!