Acrylic Chart Holders and Poster Holders for a Healthy New Year
For many, the start of a new year signifies a renewed commitment to health and wellness. It’s no coincidence that January is Cervical Health Awareness Month, Glaucoma Awareness Month, National Birth Defects Prevention Month, National Blood Donor Month, and Thyroid Awareness Month. From a personal standpoint and across diverse areas of the medical industry, these health issues resonate with millions.
If you’re in the medical field, you know how important awareness can be. Disseminating beneficial knowledge is good for your patients and your practice, and it starts with the right display. Inter-department communication is also key at busy medical centers and hospitals, and then there’s the need for storage and access to patient files.
Acrylic can accomplish all these functions with clear Chart Holders, File Holders, Poster Holders, and Poster Holders with grab-and-go Brochure Holder options.
Start with a 10” Medical Chart Holder. This multi-functional Chart-and-File Holder is easy to mount with hardware included. Tough premium thickness acrylic stands the hard knocks of a busy office, yet delivers an attractive addition that’s user-friendly and makes information easy to access in a hurry.
Want to bring attention to a timely health issue? Have a new literature release, ready for display? Capture inquisitive eyes with a clear acrylic spotlight: Style W3 Wall-Mount Magnetic Poster/Sign Holders. Signage is held in place between two acrylic plates via four neodymium magnets or silver Chicago screws. The look really does command attention.
Need a literature display that accommodates both a poster and brochures for the taking? Take Glaucoma Awareness Month, for example: Style WP Poster Holders with Brochure Pockets draw attention, inviting your audience to learn more with brochures that motivate the next course of action.
Did you know that January’s been National Blood Donor Month since 1970? This year, O-, platelets, and AB plasma are in demand for life-threatening emergencies. Platelet donors can give up to 24 times a year; plasma donors 12!