Acrylic Back-to-School Essentials for the Classroom
Summer’s winding down and, ready or not, school will soon be in session. Classroom preparations and behind-the-scenes activities are already under way. School and office supplies are in high demand and key among them are Acrylic Nameplate Holders and Acrylic Desk Nameplates.
The beginning of every new school year brings fresh new faces together – students, faculty, and administration. The dizzying number of new names can be overwhelming and that makes Acrylic Desk Nameplates and Nameplate Holders so essential.
As teachers and students get to know one another’s identities, sturdy, premium thickness Acrylic Nameplate Holders deliver a perfect introduction. And once names are learned, Nameplate Holders become easily re-usable for other class projects. And don’t worry about hard knocks. Plastic Products Mfg. uses our own proprietary acrylic that’s proven tough, long-lasting, and kid proof.
Several styles of Acrylic Desk Nameplates are available in an all-star lineup that includes colored-border options. Multi-Slot Name Plate Holders can also assist with directional signage and classroom/department identification. Select Acrylic Nameplate Holder sizes also qualify for free card stock, helping save money with in-house insert printing.
The 2023-24 school year marks another step forward in the post-pandemic recovery. As facilities continue upgrading and adapting, they look to Plastic Products Mfg. for supplies that reflect a modern new look. Acrylic Wall Frames are a prime example. Eye-catching Acrylic Wall Frames are ideal for posting an upcoming activity or homework schedule. When it’s time to showcase a special school event and other essential information, an Acrylic Wall Frame literally meets the eye. Easy to install, too.
Countertop Sign Holders provide an attractive alternative to Wall Frames. Swapping out signage is such a simple process, they can be used for messages that change daily, from events and assemblies to lunch menus and motivational quotes.
Need help deciding? We’re glad to guide you. Better hurry though…school bells will ring soon!